Artist Statement
I want my work to portray to the world what I see in my own perspective of how it works in society, and in the physical nature of it. I hope to show people a new and interesting perspective through my photography. I began sophomore year in Photography One learning the basics, I had always been interested, but wasn’t fully aware of everything that could be done through it. I believe my work has become much more focused and overall better quality in all areas. I have learned what subjects I am best at photographing and what I need to improve on. I want my work to portray not a message, but an emotion; I want it to make them feel whatever the photograph is capturing in real time. I want it to be a message of emotional understanding. My best work portraying this so far has to be my black and white portraits. In the reviews I received from my peers, I got the comments back of that they felt the emotion through the picture, which was exactly what I wanted my work to do. Dorothea Lange has been huge influence on my want to make people feel emotion through my photographs. Her work became famous and brought people’s attentions to real time problems that people were facing. As well Annie Leibovitz has influenced my work of portraits with her intimate subjects. I took a trip to Peru where I was able to become face to face with real worldly problems and the wonders of the natural world that made me want to make people aware, and curious about things past their bubble of the world. I explored the Irving Penn exhibit in the Dallas Art Museum and it really inspired me to take a second look at my angles and perspectives while looking through the lense. I believe that the work should not have to be photoshopped to the point of where it looks unnatural. I want people to see what I saw in real time and to not feel like they are looking at something edited to be fake. But the most important photoshop technique I used has to be lighting or blurring out areas that control the picture that aren’t supposed to. Focus is possibly in my top five techniques I believe should be used. As well as rule of thirds to have very good composed pictures. I think a natural light with a well placed shadow works best with the kind of photography I would like to do.