This ad uses color selection which is a different way to highlight the bottle. It combines multiple pictures with the idea that the company is trying to say along with the bottle. It can be seen that water on the bottle is a signature statement for the company.
This picture is much like the first ad, but with a different background. You can see the idea of sports in the background, but the bottle is still highlighted for the ad. The detail of the bottle is very evident, but as well you can see the unfocused background to as some depth of field and perspective to the bottles.
I really find this ad effective because it is really well set up. The lighting of the bottle make it look as if it glowing and makes you want to drink the gatorade. As well it is in complete detail and your eye is only focused on the bottle, which is exactly what the advertisement is trying to portray. Making it covered in water, adds a little extra something interesting to the plain bottle.